Bridges Out of Poverty is a unique and powerful tool designed specifically for social, health, and legal services professionals. Based in part on Dr. Ruby K. Payne's myth shattering A Framework for Understanding Poverty, Bridges reaches out to the millions of service providers and businesses whose daily work connects them with the lives of people in poverty.
This certified training prepares individuals to present the Bridges Out of Poverty Individual lens and Bridges Out of Poverty Institutional lens workshops to individuals in their own organizations and partnering organizations. This training provides information to break down barriers with poverty and begin to effect community change.
Comprehensive research and training materials are provided.
Participants will:
- Gain a deep understanding of the Bridges strategies and processes
- Develop effective poverty reduction strategies for your organization and community
- Network with and learn from others passionate about ending poverty
- Become an agent of change for your organization or community
- Tailor the Bridges strategies to your organization’s needs
Participation in the original Bridges Out of Poverty is strongly recommended, but not required. If you missed previous offerings of Bridges Out of Poverty, you can take an online course. Visit https://www.ahaprocess.com/event/bridges-out-of-poverty-workshop-elubridjrp-2109/ for more information.
Highlights of this workshop include the following topics:
- Begin with the end in mind
- The Getting Ahead series and methodology: Getting Ahead is different
- Partnerships in healthcare
- Community sustainability grid
- Social capital and community assessment
- Analyzing resources: “getting by” vs. “getting ahead” resources
- Two-generation program
- Felon reentry class
- Bridges workshops for the community
- Bridges attorney
- Getting Ahead graduate results, CharityTracker reports
- Bridges Steering Committee
- Typical steps for developing a Bridges community
- Criteria for a Bridges community
This workshop is open to the general public and perfect for community organizers, elected officials, concerned citizens, nonprofit staff, mental health providers, educators and school counselors, those working in the health and human service industry, frontline employees and more!