United Way of Western Nebraska creates opportunities focused on building blocks for a good life. Here are a few of the Community Impact Initiatives United Way does to help build a stronger, healthier, more compassionate community:
Bridges Out of Poverty
UWWN is a core supporter of Bridges Out of Poverty and has partnered with the Alliance Community Task Force: Creating Opportunity to bring the educational approach to addressing poverty to Western Nebraska. We are currently accepting interest for the Getting Ahead in a Just Gettin'- By World program that is designed to assist individuals. Learn more at Getting Ahead in A Just-Gettin'-By World | United Way of Western Nebraska (uwwn.org).
Children's Literacy (Box Butte & Dawes Counties)
United Way of Western Nebraska has partnered with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library to provide books for children from birth to age five at no cost to them or their families. To register your child, please visit imaginationlibrary.com. (Please note, the child must be a resident of Box Butte County, Cheyenne County or Dawes County- Cheyenne County is championed by Friends of the Sidney Library)
Disaster Relief & Preparedness (Scotts Bluff County)
The United Way of Western Nebraska (UWWN), Scotts Bluff County Health Department, Region 22 Emergency Management, Scotts Bluff County Volunteer Center and Panhandle Region Medical Response System have partnered to manage volunteers during a disaster and/or crisis situation resulting from manmade causes such as Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosion Incidents (CBRNE) and/or natural causes such as a tornado, flood, blizzard, etc., but utilizing the Region 22 Emergency Management Volunteer Reception Center (VRC). This includes working collaboratively with the management and volunteers of the Scotts Bluff and Banner County fire/EMS, Police Departments, Scotts Bluff County Health Department, Panhandle Public Health District and numerous other volunteer and disaster response professionals.
The Panhandle Region Medical Response System will maintain a database of volunteers that can assist in the various areas of disaster. Nonmedical volunteers will be processed through the VRC.
UWWN is also a partner in the Region 22 COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disasters). The purpose of the COAD is to bring voluntary, faith based, civic, fraternal, business, non-profit, governmental and school based organizations together to foster a more effective preparedness, response and recovery to the people of Scotts Bluff and Banner Counties, including the municipalities, and to work on problems that our community may face during disasters.
Fighting Hunger in our Community (UWWN Service Area)
United Way distributes food directly to food insecure families including fresh produce, dairy, meat and non-perishable items. The food includes several meals that are healthy and nutritious. As part of this initiative, financial grants are given to the community food pantries, soup kitchens and backpack programs throughout our service area.
SingleCare Prescription Cards (UWWN Service Area)
SingleCare (formerly FamilyWize) prescription cards are FREE discount cards that provide savings on prescription medications and have saved our communities over $1,035,000 in prescription costs. Please visit singlecare.com for more details or see the counter below for an up-to-date count of the money saved in our community.
Homeless Prevention (Scotts Bluff County)
A representative of United Way of Western Nebraska regularly attends the monthly Panhandle- Region 1 Continuum of Care meetings in order to help support efforts this community and regional-based process does to promote a coordinated, strategic planning approach for programs that assist families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Stuff the Bus (UWWN Service Area)
Each summer shortly before school resumes, United Way partners with local school districts and businesses to gather monetary donations and new school supplies for students who are not able to purchase the necessary supplies for the school year. The monetary donations are turned into gift cards and given to the schools to purchase exactly the supplies they need.
Clothing Distribution (UWWN Service Area)
In 2023 United Way of Western Nebraska was the recipient of a brand-new clothing surplus. With many volunteer hours, we held clothing distributions in Alliance, Gering and Sidney to distribute the clothing to area families in need.
Scotts Bluff County Task Force
The Scotts Bluff County Task Force is a collaborative effort with Medication West and includes community partners (City of Scottsbluff, WNCC, Panhandle Partnership). It is an action oriented initiative to address our under resourced community members.
Search the Western Service Area Resource Directory by clicking on the link below for additional resources.