United Way Helps Americans Achieve Independence & Self-Sufficiency
Today, one-third of working Americans do not earn enough money to meet their basic needs. Wages have not kept pace with the rising cost of housing, healthcare, and education. Currently, 40 million Americans are working in low-paying jobs without basic health and retirement benefits. For families walking a financial tightrope, unable to save for college, a home, or retirement, United Way is here to help.
Our Goal
To reduce poverty in our community and to help provide resources to lend a hand to break the cycle of poverty.
Our Strategy
To address the obstacles that prevent hard working families from getting ahead financially, United Way of Western Nebraska partners with local agencies that promote community-change strategies to help families meet their basic needs, while gaining the financial capability to plan for and accomplish their long-term financial goals.
We are engaging local community partners in activities and initiatives to help build financial stability of families in their communities and are active partners in Poverty Task Forces in Box Butte and Scotts Bluff Counties. United Way of Western Nebraska is a sponsor for the Bridges Out of Poverty workshop series throughout the Western Nebraska Panhandle.