United Way Announces 2021-2022 Box Butte County & Dawes County Grant Recipients
Alliance- United Way of Western Nebraska serving Box Butte & Dawes Counties is pleased to announce the 2021-2022 grant recipients. Representatives from United Way Pacesetter Businesses and community volunteers reviewed each application and interviewed a representative from each agency to determine funding levels for each non-profit agency that applied. Ten agencies in Box Butte County and three agencies in Dawes County were chosen to receive United Way funding based on the funding areas of Health, Education and Financial Stability and are selected to be 2021-22 United Way Partner Agencies.
Box Butte County agencies include Community Table, Firefighter Ministry and Western Community Health Resources all received grants for their programs with a focus on financial stability. Agencies that focus on education that were granted funding from United Way include Alliance First National Spartans, Alliance MOPS, Alliance Oldtimers Baseball and Softball, Alliance Recreation Center and Banisters Leadership Academy. East Point Horspice and The DOVES Program were awarded grants for health initiatives.
Dawes County nonprofits receiving United Way funding are Western Community Health Resources for their program with a focus on financial stability. CAPstone Child Advocacy Center and The DOVES Program were awarded grants for health initiatives.
All grants were made possible by funds raised during the 2020-2021 United Way of Western Nebraska serving Box Butte & Dawes Counties annual campaign. United Way continues the strong tradition of ensuring that donor dollars stay local and the monies raised in each county stay in the county where they were raised. For more information about United Way in Box Butte or Dawes County, please call 308-763-8031 or visit uwwn.org.